The Southeast Valley's Premier Home Poker League

2019 Season

Changes for the 2019 Season

The 2018 season of Big Slick Poker Circuit was one of our biggest ever!  We tried a few new things and that were received pretty well.  For 2019, we've massaged the format slightly in our never-ending quest for the best tournament league around. Here are some of the key changes we made for the 2019 season:


1.  New League Directors!  Kurt has stepped down as Director as he and his family are moving out of state to be closer to extended family. For 2019 and beyond, Dan and Leah Hodge will be running the show. But don't fret, Big Slick is in great hands! Dan and Leah have pledged to keep Big Slick running just as smoothly so the league won't miss a beat.

2.  Eliminated Add-Ons and increased starting stack and buy-in.  On average, more than 90% of people purchased the $20 add-on, so we decided to just include it and the chips in your starting stack. Buy-in will be $80 and you'll get 18,000 chips to start, so that will essentially be the same as what we had all of last year. But now you don't need to stand in line at the break for that extra 5k chip.

3.  Reallocated entry fee accordingly.  The Player of the Year (POY) cash prize was based on number of add-ons in 2018, but since we eliminated the add-ons for 2019, we had to allocate some of the entry fee for the POY prize. Of the $80 entry, $66 will go directly to that tournament, $11 will be allocated to the Championship prize pool and $3 will go toward the POY prize.

4.  Massaged betting schedule.  Several people mentioned they thought the blinds escalated too quickly in the early stages of the tournament, so we added in one level in the first hour and took one out later on.

5.  Adjusted scoring method to account for re-buys.  Here is where your survey answers matter. A few people mentioned that they didn't like that people who re-bought still got their full points for finishing well. Ok, we hear you! The new scoring method will deduct some points for those people that re-buy. We didn't want to discourage re-buying altogether as it extends someone's night and also adds a few bucks to the prize pool. Think about it this way: You can leave at 7:15 with 10 points, or you can re-buy, hang out with your friends for a few more hours, and leave with a bunch more points and potentially some cash. #Winning



Other minor rule changes have been made for the 2019 season as well. Make sure you read the OFFICIAL RULES before you RSVP!



The Southeast Valley's Premier
Home Poker League

